Avengers fanfiction tony calms the hulk. Got it, big guy?" Tony asked, climbing into the cart. ON HIATUS! Feb 6, 2018 · Hulk regarded Peter, as he twitched in his hold; hands coming up to claw pathetically at his hand. " Steve wrenched the man to his feet even though he protested. His eyes were wide and vacant, with hugely dilated pupils. After throwing the new Hulk into space, a new gamma-powered creature arrived on the scene. Basically this is the story of how Tony and Bruce attempt a relationship and the struggles they endure. Series. Steve, Fury, and Pepper are bashed a little. Bruce likes having his head stroked. "THIS IS BULLSHIT!" "STARK! CALM DOWN!", Natasha shouted, dodging one of the five remaining tentacles. "Hey easy there big guy!" Don't force Bruce to dress up as Stitch with Tony (Lilo) Don't use the Hulk as a means of shade on Sunny days. " "Hulk. When the Hulk still failed to look away, Spidey swallowed awkwardly. (Movies) General Audiences Forcing his breathing to calm Tony straightened out on the couch, taking a deep breath before rolling to face the ceiling. This made a bond between Tony, Bruce, and Hulk. I think there will be another 3 prequel stories after this one showing more Hulk rescues and hopefully some more Darcy/Hulk moments! Hey, this is my first attempt at a one-shot for avengers. "Not today. " "Well, don't I feel special," commented Tony dryly, leaning back as well. "Stop firing!" Tony mumbled while thinking of new ideas for Hulk's 'stretchy' trousers. Beauty and the Hulk. " "I am calm!" shouted Bruce, pounding a balled fist against one of the only intact walls left. He didn't stop until he got to the boys legs and navel. Please read each chapters warnings. Everyone released a breath and then Tony approached the Hulk. Once he was close by, Hulk dropped into a crouch in front of Tony, bringing his face into closer proximity. Avengers Tower was always full of animals. Tony retracted his mask while grinning. He was gone before they could answer. " Tony says as he tries to free himself from the unusually strong force defying gravity. And Hulk, with his gamma-powered metabolism, needs more food than anyone (except maybe Thor, who can eat just as much when he feels like it). I hope you agree with the drawn similarities between the Avengers and Harry. From New York, NY. He looked at his team. A new story The Hulk is wanted for the murder of 30 people after Dr. The Hulk will happily kidnap the Avengers and jump up and down carrying them. The Avengers had hit the HYDRA outpost by surprise, and Tony had persuaded the Hulk to join the fight. Aug 31, 2018 · Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, The Avengers - Ambiguous Fandom, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Incredible Hulk - All Media Types, The Incredible Hulk (2008) Minor spoilers for Spider-Man Homecoming. " Apr 27, 2020 · I'm writing this because I feel like the Incredible Hulk is the only Hulk film to truly portray the character correctly. " Hulk says softly before smelling the kid for any hints of blood. Peter was about to change into his Spidey suit when he saw hulk heading towards an elderly woman. No one had ever been able to calm the Hulk before, yet the mechanic didn't even show signs of minute discomfort around him, much like Tony. "How do These things are just shoving cars out of their way! Avengers now arrived! #GiantBugs, #Brooklyn, #Avengers /HBUccnTI. The soldiers holding Betty released her in shock at Hulk's action and Betty started running toward the Hulk, "Bruce, please calm down. He's never really done that before. After the job was done, the Hulk had fled into the forest with Tony in hot pursuit. " "Agent Barton," JARVIS's calm voice said, "why is there a small canine in your jacket?" Clint sighed. Well, let's see… Tony Stark didn't need a metal heart or even a real heart to tell that he possessed one at all. "We wait?" "Yep," Tony popped the 'p' on the word, he hated waiting, but here "Hulk join Tony," Hulk replied. I love the melodrama, let me know what you think. "Why?" Tony asked after struggling to figure out what to say. 9 32. "want a cup?" he asked the other Avengers. "He would probably have died if the Hulk hadn't caught him and protected him from the brunt of the fall. Hulk whips his head around, searching for enemies but calms quickly when he finds himself in the workshop with an outraged Tony staring at him. One of the Avengers. "Hulk like Tony. Hulk likes the mark on Tony's neck. Soon he can't hear their words. I'm Tony remember?" "Toe-knee," Hulk nodded solemnly. Peter was sure Bruce would reappear any minute now that the Hulk was calm, but 30 minutes and a decent sized scarf/blanket thing later, Bruce was still Hulked out. Bruce likes sitting under tables. The Hulk hadn't listened to Steve, so he was out. "I should just go," Bruce repeated. Tony tried keeping the creatures out of the kitchen but they were coming in waves and he realized that they might be losing the battle. He growled softly as he gently rubbed where he smelt the blood on the boys stomach. So calm. To his surprise, the Hulk smiled, face lighting up. Great, thought Clint, it's down to me. OR. Oct 11, 2013 · Tony became serious. "Like in the second story, Banner seems to influence the Hulk via subconscious by aiming at the specific target instead of the allies. Summary: One mission goes wrong and now Natasha is the prisoner to the Hulk and to make matters worse he doesn't want to turn back into Bruce, her earpiece is missing and they're in the middle of nowhere. " Steve asked Tony. . "Oh god. "Were your hormone levels off the charts when you tried it?" Tony replied evenly. Hulk watched closely as the smaller man approached him, arms spread to show he wasn't a threat and a large grin on his face. Tony was actually starting to worry until he realized, it was snowing. " The Hulk took a deep steady breath, doing something many would think impossible for the big green. Hulk nodded his head as Tony pointed forward. Catching the movement of the women leaving, Tony and Thor got up, laughing at each other's loss. Hey, maybe the hulk just needs a hug too? #theHulk, # Summary: The Hulk slowly begins to trust the Avengers, and vice versa. Tony may work, the Hulk liked Tony, had even saved his life but Tony wasn't the most diplomatic of people. Natasha knew that she had to tread carefully. Also, following this is the time line and a website to take you to the movie time line in case you're interested, just remember to remove the spaces in between. But now, based on his attire, Bruce wasn't entirely sure. Jul 8, 2024 · Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, The Incredible Hulk (Comics), Hulk Vs. Retweets Favorites. Between missions, the Avengers gotta eat and recover. The two titans roll into the streets, with the Hulk throwing wild punches as Thor ducks and weaves. "I thought you said that the Hulk's rage was a good thing. The hulk propels Bruce forward to kiss Tony on his head, which reminds him of his mother. He shook the thought away, vaguely aware of Steve cautiously approaching the Doctor and murmuring something along the lines of calm down… "Bird Brain, I need my bag. The people saw the strength of the one called Hulk and they began to boo the Red King for trying to kill the day's champion. " Tony pointed out. Jun 5, 2013 · Tony, honey, wake up! Wake up, Tony, you're having a nightmare, Tony please wake up!" When she captured Tony's face between her slender, manicured hands, his eyes flew open and he sat up quickly, gasping for breath. Evidently Tony's presence was not quite as… soothing as Natasha's. This drove them into silence once more as the sounds of life got closer. The Hulk likes Tony, use Tony to calm him down. " She stated, backing up slightly. It is more proof that Tony After a hurtful argument with the other Avengers on top of the flu, Tony's not feeling too charitable when the call to Assemble comes. So reasonable. Oct 26, 2016 · As the Hulk's gaze continued to stay fixed on his form, he began to chew, not wanting to make the beast angry. If the Hulk came out now…. The concrete shifted and Tony crawled over to where the opening was made. "This isn't over, Shakespeare in the park. Bruce and Tony have been working for months to figure out the secret to the Hulk, part of Fury's arrangement with General Ross to keep Bruce on the Avengers instead of in a lab. The more Tony thought about it, the more he realized how many people forgot about Bruce and focused on the showy faces of Steve, the golden captain, Thor with his godliness, Clint and Natasha with their sharp assassin facades and Tony with his, well, everything. BenGreenmeister. Thor was just Hulk's punching bag. I don't think Hulk will be a danger to the Avengers. What's this about this time?" Hulk pointed accusingly at the two Avengers. Hulk started to move toward him after he signed off with Hawkeye. " "Hulk Like Tony. "Tin Man?" Hulk rumbled. Not that Peter minded – the Hulk was awesome, but he could see the rest of the team by the doors taking pictures and video of him. " The fight was getting exhausting. I did say that, and I'm sorry. "But you're not always green and angry. So he was out. It cracked under the force. "Hulk!" she yelled, shaking the debris off her. "Friends. " Steve said, watching as the green blur caught Tony in mid air. "typical and petty Mortal. The doctor is now accused of murdering several people, including one child. Each Avenger has to test him out before he can join, after all, the best team bonding is the type done while naked. "You know us Hulk, we're your friends. Tony looked at his watch and frowned slightly, Bruce should be here by now. Explaining their tricks and beliefs to him. The King Water Creature was battling The Hulk and was actually succeeding in keeping the green giant at bay. Nat was scared of the Hulk, even if she would never admit it, he scared her. Banner moved forward to settle into the other end of the sofa, and said, "I don't know. Banner used to be afraid that Hulk would hurt vulnerable Tony. This made the Hulk angry and he turned on Peter. Meanwhile, it appears that someone or something else is creating Hulk-sized damage across America. Tony backed off, and the Soldier yelled and struggled in the Hulk's grip, cursing violently in Russian and English. "Uh…" before Tony can finish his sentence, a sound of what can only be described as "ear-bleeding static" interrupts him. Probably Tony did something to make him not afraid anymore. But Tony didn't really care and he'd built him a room adjacent to his bedroom so the Hulk could go and smash shit up. The Avengers readied themselves for another fight, but honestly though, they were still reeling from their battle with the Hulk that only just ended moments ago. Of course, the villain of the day has to prove that yes, in fact, his day can get worse: when he gets home, there are five little kids running around, looking suspiciously like his teammates. "I'm going to see what 'non 40s' clothes Stark has Picked out for me. "Calm down, Tony, it's okay, baby, shh!" He recognized it as the Hulk. Steve's voice was low. The Red King decided to put his hands up in the air to calm the crowds. Hulk doesn't know when the stupid Banner fear stopped, but it did. 11:46 am – 3 October 2014. Now don't get me wrong, Mark Ruffalo did a great job in the Avengers, and he is a phenomenal actor, but after the first Avengers movie, the characters of Bruce Banner and the Hulk devolved into a joke. When Clint Barton rescued the puppy in the alley, he was not expecting his life to change so drastically. Bruce loves his Science Bro, Tony Tony: "See that's the chick I was talking about, she's the one who told me about the Soul World" Nebula: "So these are the Avengers, Earth's Mightiest Heroes" Steve: "What's left of it anyway" *The 2 remaining guardians walk towards the remaining Avengers* Tony: "Are Nat and Bruce still alive?!" Steve: "Yes, they're both alive" #406 – HULK LIKE KITTY. "Oh my god I thought I fixed the magnet problem already. I spent a lot of time planning this, to make sure you would be okay. Bruce Banner exposes himself with gamma radiation, and has been on the run for months now "He thinks it'll make him hulk out," Tony explained. Hulk was feeling pleased inside him, and Bruce was surprised by the feeling. Jun 20, 2012 · He turns to face the Chi'tauri monster and tells the Hulk now would be a good time to come out and play. He has now become a Pro Hero in that reality. May 2, 2017 · Tony wasn't quite sure why, I mean Fury didn't watch movies, everyone was certain of that. Tony had a sneaking suspicion that Steve and JARVIS had already come to an agreement, and that Steve would be returning for the next Alert… he wasn't so fond of that development. "Is that so? Then from day on, Hulk is officially a member of the Avengers. "Yes Big Guy?", Tony asked him, squarely facing him, and smiling. Now that the Devil Hulk had the memories of Bruce and The Hulk his perspective changed. " Ross watched silently as the Hulk then stood beside Steve and Thor before he 'revived' Tony. " Bruce shook his head. Banner was supposed to be smart but when it comes to Hulk, Hulk believes Tony much smarter. Basically, here are some short stories of the Avengers and Hulk bonding over food. Hulk gritted his teeth and clenched his fist before swinging. Jul 21, 2018 · "Hulk get tiny human pineapples. "Onward, Hulk! We got a shopping cart race to win!" "Hulk win race!" Hulk shouted, pushing the shopping cart as fast as he could. "Hulk, baby, it's been a long time. Tony reached out for Bruce's face, resting his hands gently on either cheek. Tony, mumbling about power sources, walked over to Pepper and carried her up. "Tony, you know what you have to do. Though, he trusted Tony, and tried to calm his nerves, inhaling deeply before exhaling with what he thought had been a quiet sigh. You shouldn't hurt him. Haha, check out this pic of the hulk! I feel like that some days too. "Stupid puny soldier remember!" The Hulk demanded with a final shake. Part 3 of Ella’s Spook Spectacular 2022 Tony never feared Bruce or the Hulk, in fact, he found him interesting. "Great! You can push me while I'm in the cart and I'll tell you where to go. A couple of machines in his lab had been broken and in the middle of fixing them Tony had dragged him off to work on one of the Iron Man suits. Also Bruce was the one who had set this all up, mainly to shut Tony up about it. " Steve announced himself, Natasha flicking a look at him over her shoulder. Avengers Family. "You In an instant Tony had the tablet back in his hands, working with a newer more desperate effort, praying that this room wouldn't end up broken yet again. "Good job back there Green Bean," he grinned. "I wonder why nobody else likes me. "Try to relax. Peter Parker couldn't believe it, he was still in high school and being a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man but his superhero mentor Tony Stark called him telling him he wants him in an Avengers mission where the fate of the universe was at stake. And – also as promised – the next day, Tony was sat down by the other Avengers, and forced to explain the phenomena of his Iron Alerts. The Hulk paused, eyes straight on her Tony, or in this case at the moment, Iron Man was currently trying to escape one of the arms that had him in a tight grip. Hulk was more famous than Bruce was and Tony couldn't imagine how Bruce could live Tony Stark tells him there's an entrance exam to join the Avengers and it starts with Peter getting naked with him and Steve. He went to approach the door dragging Tony along on his hip when it swung open. This day could not have gotten any worse. "You know what, you're right. Rematch tomorrow - winner gets all, like we discussed. The monster followed her footsteps, but was not yet attacking. " Midoriya said. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Steve sitting on the other couch, facing him, and he conjured up his signature smirk for his silent watcher. "Because if I left her out there she was going to die, please don't tell Tony. Not a ton of Hulk interaction, but he is a man/beast of few words. " Sighing, Tony grudgingly admitted, "Maybe, but he didn't really hurt me. He began to calm down. As if he could just return to his conversation with the super soldier and forget about begging Bruce to stay. When they were calm he launched several razor bladed projectiles at him causing Bruce to fall on his knees. " "As long as you make it a challenge for me," Thor said, laughing Steve's expression was calm, serious, but there was the faintest tension in his shoulders, in the way he carried himself, making it clear that he was far more nervous than he was willing to let on. This is a scene I think I would like to see in Avengers: Infinity War. Aug 20, 2020 · The Hulk breathed heavy, he seemed as confused as Bruce would have been in such a situation. 6. Peter takes the Hulk trick or treating and freaks out Tony in the process. Even Tony and Natasha would bring home animals, although may the gods help you if you commented on it, in any way that suggested that they were going soft. Readers shall also have to pretend that Stark's comment to Hawkeye as he lifted him into the air in The Avengers never happened for the story to work. Bruce just stared back at the Hulk then, and just like that, he is back to reality. " Sniggered Thor who stomped after Tony to demand another cup of coffee. Calm. " He says softly as Tony stepped into the room seeing the knife embedded in the wall. "My hormone levels are always off the charts Tony, that's why I'm the Hulk. X AVENGERS TIME LINE: Loki tensed and began cursing under his breath in a tongue Tony couldn't recognize. Bruce Banner an outlaw once again. Hulk new it, and dropped the kid, onto the floor, before walking away, back to his task of breaking out of the building. Every single one of them had a huge soft spot for animals and were always bringing home strays. It never took Bruce long to change, years spent waking up naked after he changed Tony guessed. Behind her, Hawkeye shot another arrow in the monster's eye, causing it to let go Tony who was caught by Hulk. HARRY P. " Hulk debated for a tense minute or two, but let the Captain go. He had memories of Tony his science bro, of Thor his super smash bro, Vision, his creation, his child. Only the annoying buzzing of their puny human voices. There was a rumble under his feet, the ever-loud roar of the Hulk bellowed somewhere within the cave. He quickly sprang into action. Right as Hulk was about to crush the woman Peter pushed her out of the way. Banner succumb to the possibility that Hulk is a killer? This one-shot takes place before that story as one of many prequels showing how Darcy initially meets (and is rescued by) the Hulk. "He'll stay," Tony said confidently, turning back to Steve. Ben Green. There was no way Peter could fight him off. " Betty said as she reached near the Hulk, Hulk slowed down and tried to calm himself but just then a military helicopter came and started firing at him. "Hulklike spider," he announced, and brought up a hand to "pat" his head, chasing out Spidey's ducking form. In the time that Tony had known him, that something was usually people's fear of the Hulk, or Tony himself. The Hulk rips through him, and punches the beast in the face. It was no wonder the two of them were friends; they didn't seem to have any self-preservation instincts to speak of. Hulk huffs when it's clear that Bruce is still angry and sits heavily, shaking the tools that weren't held down and making Tony wobble, when it becomes evident he won't be turning back with the The Devil Hulk realized he could have a life of his own, a feeling generated by the Hulk side of him. Steve slid down the wall, gasping for breath. Will Dr. Bruce nodded absently when Tony stepped out for a bathroom break, leaving him alone with World Breaker Hulk "He has saved worlds, His friends talk and talk. He had forgotten how much Peter and Hulk had gotten to know one another and hadn’t realised the depth of friendship they had developed. "Hulkworried. ~Tony~ Tony landed on the slightly destroyed concrete next to Hulk, who was deeply breathing through his anger. I'm thinking about maybe writing a multi-chapter story, but wanted to see if I could grasp the concept of writing with the avengers first. "There is how you should greet your King. Sometimes it'd just randomly happen, and he'd wake up naked with Tony sat beside him giggling and saying just how happy the big guy had looked… Calm. Hooking Tony's arm around his shoulder he forced him to stay standing. Apparently he liked it in there. " "Tell Sir what, Agent Barton?" JARVIS asked blandly. "That's it, big guy, Tony. Things could be going better for Tony and the rest of the Avengers right now. "Banner, you need to calm down. "Birdy and The-or made loud Oh well. "Thor's coming with wine from Asgard, stay, you're staying" Tony tried again. Steve looks up and the rest of the Avengers join him, Hulk included. " By the time they were back in Bruce's rooms, (Tony having given him and extra door, just for the Hulk,) it was Bruce who was in control again. As the Hulk charges at Captain America, his fist raised for a crushing blow, Thor tackles him from the side. Sokovia. "Remember friend Steve! Chapter 3: The Hulk escapes. Wanda the giver of the light and freedom. "Tony was falling uncontrollably. "Seems kind of pointless," Tony shrugged nonchalantly, casting a patronizing glance at the other man as the pair walked resolutely, shoulder to "Hulk!" Tony shouted, zipping close, "Bring him here, I'll cuff him-" The Hulk roared and shook the Soldier like a giant can of spray paint. "Listen-" His giant hand slammed into the wall behind her and she fell to her knees as debris fell around her. "Hey thanks! You have no idea-" An alien's face appeared through the hole, followed quickly by a sharp blow to Tony Of course the biggest disappointment will be felt among Tony Stark fans (including myself) but I have to consider the imbalance that would be caused by the arrival of too many Avengers into Arda. "It is. We'll figure it out. " "Why?" "Tony like Hulk" Bruce/Tony References Rhodey/Tony, and Iron Man 1, allusions to non con/torture, trigger warnings. Bruce glared at Tony. Despite Hulk's heroic deeds, General Ross has made Dr. You're being completely calm right now, you're doing good. xlpax dqs uquzb bzzzesd lfayauu eosz rcn tksrw jsia kaxq