7 days late positive pregnancy test reddit

7 days late positive pregnancy test reddit. I went to bed kinda nauseous after getting off work but I figured it was from being kinda hungry. I haven’t tested since. I got a negative test at 27 days, missed my period at 28 and figured id wait, got a positive on day 29. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Took a pregnancy test a few days after it was supposed to start, came out negative. Implantation happens between 8-10 days after ovulation in ~90% of pregnancies, and hCG rises do quickly in early pregnancy you can usually get a positive within a day but definitely 2 days of implantation. This is what happened to me, despite testing before my period was even expectedwith my first I got my BFP 8 days past ovulation. - Her period is obviously late. Didn't want to take the test cuz I thought a false positive would be more stressful. Ovulation tests cross react when you are pregnant. But to answer your question, 3-4 days late is definitely a fine time to take a pregnancy test and have it be accurate. Faint line on a cheap test 7 days post transfer, positive clear blue digital morning of day 8 and positive beta confirmed later that day. At 7DPO you only have about a 7% chance of a positive it seems. two on 8 days late and 1 yesterday on 12 Are you positive you ovulated when you thought? If you just implanted I don’t think you’d be 5+2. I took one pregnancy test after being 7 days late, another after being 11 days late, and a third after being 14 days late. Some of your "symptoms" do correlate to pregnancy symptoms, but could also be other things. Took a negative dollar store pregnancy test this morning. Last month we tried a lot so I was very hopeful that this would be it. It took days after I was late to show up on my pregnancy test. But I have known others who spotted and went on to have healthy pregnancy, so I wouldn’t worry too much and definitely ask ob to check. I took plan B about six hours after having sex on the last day of my menstrual cycle, and then one week later I had spotting for 2-3 days. I would treat it like a peak and BD and then test both again tomorrow. Like any insanely high anxiety person, Im still freaking out. Also, pregnancy symptoms can be incredibly different between pregnancies. It was so bad that I took a pregnancy test several days before my period, for the first time ever in 6 months of TTC, because it was the only logical thing to me that was causing it. My wife got her first positive test 7 days ago. But here comes the cramps today. (24F, 120lbs, 5’7) I usually have cycles lasting 28-31 days . My cycles have been about 27 days, so I took a how many days after your late period did you test positive? how many days was it you got a negative? I’m 4 days late and like you, my periods are usually regular but I do have a lot of stressors going on. If you just went of bc it can take awhile for your body to regulate and ovulate in a normal fashion. Girls having a late period is uncommon but usually normal. With my second pregnancy it was 4 days till. Blood tests aren't affected by the hook effect at all. " But neither are happening. I was tracking ovulation by temping so I know what day I ovulated and I knew what days to start testing. 7 days later without period, I took another test and I got my bfp. I got a negative when i was 2 days late. I had a couple days of throwing up in my mouth and hot flashes seem to be my first symptom with all my kids. If you ovulate as expected, and conception occurs, implantation can occur 6-12 days after ovulation. This means if you get pregnant, by the time your missed period is due, you’re considered to be 4 weeks pregnant. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Your period isn't late pt. I’m 7 days late on my period and I’ve been late before once a week late. It was suppose to come on the 16th. Unfortunately this ended up in a miscarriage. Nov 12, 2014 · Has anyone ever had a really late positive pregnancy test? I am now 12 days late and have been getting one negative pregnancy test after another! The weird thing is I had an awful period last time. Negative test. Could I actually be pregnant?? —————————————————— My husband and I have 2 kids and have been trying for number 3. Well, conception can result from sex up to six days prior to ovulation/conception. Therefore you ovulated later so your test is just now showing positive. But this kid was the outlier. If your faint line on the pregnancy test is a positive it should be darker :) My period was a day late. Insane levels of thirst started at 7/8 days post ovulation, I got my first positive test at 9 days post ovulation, and that continued for a few weeks! After this pregnancy, if I ever start randomly drinking a gallon+ of water and still can’t get enough, the first thing I’ll do is take a pregnancy test lol If negative wait 7 days and take the 2nd one. I'm sleeping 8 hours a day. All tests have been relatively… I tested before the first day of missing my period but each day for 2 days I retested and it didn’t get stronger. The moment the liquid hit the spot where the line should be it started to show. Took another yesterday, still negative. Otherwise there is no way to know when you ovulated based on your positive LH test. I never learned about that before it happened to me. Day 5 was stark white negative. And for whatever reason my period is 10 days late. When you first start trying to conceive this can be confusing. Apr 21, 2011 · Hi everyone, any information would be helpful; I am currently 1 week late as of today; I am pretty regular, usually within a few days or so; I have taken a few tests (first response and clear blue) which are all negative; I believe I have had implantation bleeding which started 6 days before I am curious if anyone else didn’t get a positive test until a week past their period was due. Oct 3, 2023 · The interesting thing about pregnancy measurement is that day 1 of pregnancy is counted from the first day of your last period. Alas, day 35 hit with a vengeance and I'm feeling pain like no other, but I'll admit, despite having tubes tied, I was nervous. And that's all on the assumption of a 28-day-cycle, ovulation day 14 kind of thing which actually varies from woman to woman. This is if you’re tracking ovulation either with a doctor or via BBT. When we came back I got a test the next day and it was positive. It didn't come on Monday and she has been freaking out ever since because "her period is never late. 2. Really surprised. The hook effect can make tests a little lighter but won't be negative. Plus, you're only a week late, so if you ovulated a little late, a positive may not be showing up yet. Based on my dating scan it put my LMP as 10/19, so I was 8 or 9 weeks when I got my positive. Home pregnancy tests are very accurate — about 99 percent — but a false negative is still possible. I took a test 1 day before period and it was negative. Also, on a home pregnancy test, a positive is a positive! Faint lines still mean pregnant. I had the same experience. The day after I was meant to get my period (which is religiously every 31 days) I had a chemical pregnancy. My last period was in early january, I started freaking out around the 10 day late mark in Feb and I’ve taken probably 15 pregnancy tests at this point but they all come back negative. She suspects stress may have caused me to have a late period. First off - you are 6 days late. Buy another pregnancy test and try it again in a few days. I started feeling weird last Sunday after seeing Taylor Swift and brushed it off as post concert depression. My period is currently 5 days late. Her pregnancy hormones have only been present for those three weeks. Regular tests are only designed to be used before 6-8 weeks, after that the HCG can get so high that they don't work correctly (though you'd normally get at least a faint positive, an actual false negative is rare). A faint positive test would become an obvious positive within about 3 days. Soula AI — Mental Health and Educational Support from Pregnancy to Maternity and Beyond. So I’m 4 days late, neg pregnancy test. If you ovulated late, your period would be "late". Second, most pregnancy tests don't work this early, so go a few days without taking a pregnancy test (maybe like 5 days) if your period doesn't come during that time take another pregnancy test. I went to planned parenthood for an exam, they did a pregnancy test and ghonorrhea/chlamydia test, which both came back negative. What the heck is going on? lol I've been taking a pregnancy test every day for about 7 days because my period is late, and I keep saying, "one of two things are going to happen, I'm going to have a positive pregnancy test or a period. So 8 days past ovulation is the earliest pregnancy can be detected. I got my first positive at 9dpo. EDIT2: I'm not pregnant! :D I went to my doctor and she said three negative tests is a great sign considering I didn't have any symptoms. But my boyfriend is freaking out. Reply reply LeahMCopsey It wasn’t even late according to this previous “period”, maybe like 28 days on the dot (my cycle ranges from 24-29 days sometimes). Apr 29, 2020 · If you take a pregnancy test after your period is late and get a negative result, you’re unlikely to be pregnant. Day 6 and 7 I thought were squinters and then day 8 my FRER pink dye tests came in the mail and were clearly positive. If you have a positive pregnancy test on the first day of your late period, you'd be considered ~4 weeks pregnant already. I got in to my ob a month later. If it were me, I'd take the medicine. could i have messed up the cycle or something ? we took 3 tests total. Its possible you are ovulating super late or that you are pregnant. Blood tests are much more accurate. My period has been extremely regular but I do have longer cycles - usually 32 days. So I figured ask Reddit so he’ll calm down. Got a positive at 5 weeks. She’s currently 9 days past her missed period. I took a pregnancy test yesterday and it was negative. This time around, we were really trying. 19 votes, 36 comments. When I was late the first time I figured I’d wait a week to take a test. Woke up mildly nauseous, took a test for fun, and got that pink positive line so fast. They may be able to confirm with a blood test or at least figure out why AF hasn't reared her head yet. I follow a primarily vegetarian diet - by choice. Retest tomorrow or the next day to see if it gets darker. The day my period was due I got tender breasts that have eased up over the last few days. I’d expect to see a positive test 2-4 days after implantation, but even then it could be faint. Mine had sped up to 21-24 day cycles, so when I was late this last time (at 45), I thought maybe my tubal ligation had reconnected. You need minimum 48 hours for enough HCG to build up to be detectable in urine on a highly sensitive test. A blood test would always detect pregnancy at any stage because it's looking for HCG, which a pregnancy needs to sustain itself. " Here are some facts of the situation. The majority of positive pregnancy tests will occur by 12DPO, with later positives being associated almost exclusively with nonviable pregnancies. If pregnant, an embryo will typically implant about 8-10dpo and after implantation hcg levels will rise pretty quickly and you’ll get a positive test about a day after implantation. I had been testing everyday but he didn’t pop until late. I just thought how weird it was. With my first pregnancy, my tests got fainter and faded to nothing, and that's how I knew I had been pregnant but was having a missed miscarriage. It showed much faster than with my first pregnancy, then I took it already when I was 1 day late. It is, however, much more precise to say that you'd get a positive pregnancy test 10 to 12 days after ovulation occurs. Pregnancy tests are mostly accurate 14 days after sex and definitive after 21 days, regardless of when your period is due. I went to the doctors yesterday, and tested negative. I took a pregnancy test clear blue digital at 2 days late and it came back negative. We were trying but after miscafrying twice in a row, I never thought I'd actually continue on pregnancy. CW: miscarriage / chemical pregnancy im about 6 days late for my period now & received my first ever (in life!!) positive pregnancy test yesterday with a clear blue digital. I was going through a ton of stress the week it was supposed to start, so when it didn't come, I freaked out. I tested myself at 9 months pregnant out of interest and it was a super dark positive. My wife’s periods can be normal for a few months and then she can be late by two weeks. Your period isn't late pt 1. I'm overweight and HCG rises the same as anyone else. I am now on day 36 and have been experiencing cramps and other PMS symptoms for the past three days but have had no period. I bought these little strips on amazon that cost around . So you can take the last day of your sexathon, add six days, and assume that's your latest possible conception day. I felt sick 24/7 with one baby and never with another. My period was always very regular (28 days). 4. I decided to take a pregnancy test today (10 days before missed period) and I got a positive result. TLDR: I had a full period and then a positive pregnancy test 4 days later. - We took a pregnancy test 4 days after her "missed" period. Well my cycles were 26-30 days before I had my first. If another 2 weeks goes by and you still haven't gotten a period, but the pregnancy tests are negative, you can go get a blood test done to give you extra security. Hold onto hope for just a few more days and you should have a definite answer! Wishing you the best of luck :) Without tracking/confirming ovulation, you don't know if you're truly late or not. 9K subscribers in the pregnancy_care community. Sure enough, tested positive (at 7dpo which is wildly early to test positive - clear blue early digital for the win for picking up on that so early!). Twice before, my period was late (30 days) and both times I tested for pregnancy and neither other times did I get even a faint line. i seen there’s age restrictions for blood test, my gf is 17 turning 18 in june and her period is 13 days late. If still negative, you're likely not pregnant. Here’s my symptoms -cramping but it’s like twinging here and pulling there every once in awhile -White milky discharge -Late period by 4 days Acne is popping up like crazy -Dizzy when I stand up random nausea throughout the day peeing more than usual tired more than usual Each person is different, and each pregnancy is different (I m/c 2 years ago and the test I had taken on my day 28 had a dark line, so it was definately positive). That's not out of the norm, a regular cycle can range from 21-36 days - you are still within this range. I took a few tests too early for them to be positive, but my period was 4-5 days late and we were on a weekend vacation. FYI even if you don’t finish in her doesn’t mean she can’t get pregnant. This time is was 6. But the longer you wait, the more accurate the test will be. It all depends on the specific pregnancy. I started spotting at around 7 weeks again and then around 8 weeks I had a natural mc. Is my period just late? Or has anyone gotten a positive pregnancy test after being a week late? My non-expired pregnancy test also immediately showed when I took it, I think I was up to a week late at the time. It usually takes up to 12 days for the tests to detect hcg in your urine. Anyway, my point being, it is possible to get a positive test that early, but only if your hormone levels go up that early, so I would recommend waiting until at least the first day Pregnancy tests are most accurate after your missed period, despite the “early test” advertising. Took the 3rd home test after I got home with the same 1-2 weeks pregnant result. I say you're not out until AF shows up! Give it another week, if AF doesn't show and no positive comes on the HPT, go see your doc. I have been pregnant twice and with each I was almost a week late before the test registered a positive. My main symptom was that I was so incredibly carsick both on the way there and back (about 4 hours each way). I was at the OBGYN a few weeks ago for something else and she confirmed strings were there (I cannot check the string myself, never have been able to). Becoming moody/an emotional wreck exactly 7 days before it starts. All negative! Going through this now. I'm about 13 days late. This cycle I have had next to none. If your symptoms were due to pregnancy then you would be able to get a positive test, it takes more HCG to cause symptoms than it does to turn a test positive. 7 days later I’m still crying at any and all things. I think if you chose to test early make sure you are using FRER tests and try to wait til day 6/7 if you can. When I got home though, surprise! I haven’t had loss, just my current pregnancy. Surprisingly, I am not stressed, my anxiety isn't out of control. I had a blood test to confirm and test for any other hormones in my body that may have caused the late period. I tested day 5, 6 and 7 with blue dye tests I already had at home. we had unprotected sex on february 9th which was the day she wasn’t supposed to be on her period it ended supposedly the 8th but when we did it she was on her period. retested twice today w/ 4 different tests (about 7 tests total) & all were negative. I tested at 35 days and it was negative but a doctor's test was positive later in the day (no clue why). Then light period like bleeding for three days, but seemed like allot for implantation. If you believe your absent period is genuinely a sign of pregnancy, take a test. Anecdotal: with my first baby I tested positive 6 days early; with my current pregnancy I tested positive a week and a half after my period was due to start. Around 2pm I said fuck it and went to get a FRER, peed on it right there (in the bathroom, I'm not a total heathen), and before the pee got to the control line, the positive line showed up bright. So I wondered how it was for everyone else. Try taking another pregnancy test in a day or two to double check. It was very painful, like back labor pains with lots of clots and super heavy! Mar 7, 2019 · With my first, I had a period in late September, then none in October or November but all tests were negative until December 9th. I usually always have some pms symptoms before my period. I once had a rather late first positive on 13 dpiui. What the heck is happening to my body? Sorry to say, but 20 dpo for a first positive is really beyond the realm of possibility, at least for any sort of viable pregnancy. The next morning my doc called to let me know that the lab test came back positive, but that it's so early they want me to take another blood test next week. Okay, so people will tell you that a pregnancy test might not be positive by your expected period day because most women don't know when they ovulate. - Girlfriend is on birth control and has been for about 6 months. The next time I got a faint positive, 2 months later and again before my period was due, I kept testing and it did get darker. Then a week later had a positive pregnancy test. You can start testing 9-10 days after that day, and expect a test to give you a true result 12-14 days after that day. It was With my first I tested positive the day before my period was due. 50 a piece so I could test myself several times a day and not feel bad about the price. Soula… When I came out of the lab, doc called me to let me know that the pee test turned positive after I left. This site will tell you your chances of a positive test based on how many DPO you are. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. By 11DPO you have about a 79% chance of a positive if you are indeed pregnant. I was supposed to start again August 26th, I took a test just a few days ago and it came back negative. Today I am 3 days late and still no sign of my period. Implantation typically occurs about 7-9 days after ovulation which would put you in the third week of pregnancy. If you only had sex on September 6th, the sperm could only survive for 5 days. then i took 2 more 2 hours later and got negatives. I do struggle with inflammation. My last period was July 27-31 so at the end of the month. I have been taking Ovasitol and a pre-natal consistently since September 2023 - which is when my husband and I were cleared to start trying again after my myomectomy. Good luck!. mdgrlep ygqlzw whw bva eyhs dga boiy fudl zurdjy ckmib